Wax On…Wax Off: A Simple Guide To Getting That Perfect Shine On Your Car

If you’re like most car owners, you want to keep your vehicle looking as good as possible. Part of keeping it looking good is cleaning it as often as necessary, both inside and out. Maintaining an attractive vehicle requires more than just cleaning it, however. A good wax job will keep your car’s exterior shiny and minimize the accumulation of dirt and grime. Knowing exactly how to wax your car and choosing the right products to use is important, and this guide will provide you with all the assistance you need.

Choosing a car wax

One of the first steps to choosing a car wax is looking for quality. Even if you’re on a budget, you don’t want to choose a random and low quality. A higher quality wax will not only look better on your vehicle, but it will also last longer, preventing you from reapplying it as often. According to drivinggeeks.com, choosing the best car wax involves different variables. These variables include budget, how often you want to wax, whether or not you’re applying in order to hide scratches, and more.

In order to mask a few scratches on the exterior of your car, a high quality rubbing compound wax will work best. There’s no guarantee that it will hide all the scratches, but it should hide some of the more superficial ones by filling them in.

If your goal is to simply find an affordable wax that is going to leave a great gloss, that shouldn’t be a problem. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a great wax job. Regardless of which you ultimately decide to on, taking the time to perform a bit or research ahead of time will increase your chances of getting the results that you desire.

Application process

The actual application process is going to depend on the type of wax you choose. There are sprays, liquids, rubbing compounds and pastes. The first thing you’ll need to do before applying, regardless of the type is to thoroughly wash and dry your vehicle. You should then apply a finish before finally applying the wax. The type of finish that you choose isn’t as important as the purpose of the finishing process is to completely remove remaining debris from the exterior, which will enable the wax to better adhere. Many professional detailers use a Clay Bar, but you can use the brand that you like. Once you’ve reached the waxing step, you can simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the packaging of the wax that you choose.

If you follow the instructions outlined in this article, you will have the ability to choose a high quality car wax that will keep your car shiny and beautiful for an extended period of time. Waxing not only keeps your car shiny and lessens the amount of dirt that it attracts, but it also extends the paint job by minimizing chipping, hiding scratches and imperfections, and even making washing your vehicle much easier.

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