How To Be Smart With Buying Classic Cars And Getting Classic Car Insurance

Classic cars are without a doubt leading the vehicle’s pyramid, considering their awesome features that make them stand out from the crowd. For any car fanatic or an individual who wishes to add to their collectibles or desires an awesome vintage ride, buying a classic car could be a better choice.

Buying a classic car requires serious thought, research, and careful planning compared to getting a modern car. However, the mere passion with which the majority go into the purchase of items can at times blindfold them to the cruel realities of acquiring and running a classic car.


Look in the classic car magazines, local newspaper, the internet (auction sites) or take a leisure walk down your street. Of all these, the most convenient place to look for classic cars is the Internet. Once you have identified your choice of a classic car, you need to read between the lines. You can learn a lot from what is not said, plus the way the description is written.

A classic car is too expensive to commit thousands of pounds on a piece of scrap. When you are ready to buy a classic car, there are some things you must consider to get the best deals from your classic car purchase:


  • Perform background check – If the owner is genuine, there are chances that the classic car is too – and of course, vice versa. Likewise, always be cautious with the statement “I’m selling it for a friend” without listing any contact number for the friend to make personal contact.
  • Check the Paperwork – Thoroughly check the paperwork to ensure its content matches the description of the classic car in the adverts and from the owner. The paperwork should be well-presented rather than a being jumble of papers that are difficult to read.
  • Set a budget – Only you know what you can afford to spend on buying a classic car. Estimate the running costs, get classic car insurance quotes, and also speak with the owner on how costly the car classic will be to run.
  • Physical checking – Keeping in touch with reality is essential. If possible, always arrange to check the car in person before you buy. Make sure you check the car for rusts, loopholes, look underneath the car, check for sagging signs, check tyres, look for bodywork repairs, check the floor pans, mileage, and others. If you are not confident in your ability to perform a thorough checking, I will suggest you go with an expert who can assess the true condition of your prospective purchase and give you an honest report.
  • Join the vintage owners club – You can find a lot of experts in owners clubs. They will have some of the best looked-after cars plus rich knowledge of buying and running your preferred classic car. They often have cheap insurance ideas too.


How much would you pay to have that classic car in your garage? Generally, this depends on the condition of the car, the model and year, make and of course, your budget. As I said earlier, you must check the internet, read magazines, and others to have a good idea of what your prospective car sells for. You should also have a price in mind to pay for the car depending on its condition. Just because you can afford it is not enough to settle for a classic car that the parts are scarce. You also need to consider the availability of the spare parts in your pricing.

Furthermore, the majority of vintage car insurance policies contain an agreed value depending on the market worth of the car. Ultimately, it is your choice and your budget to decide.

Now that you know what to do to buy the best classic car, there is another crucial thing to do…

Owing a classic car does not stop at buying one. You may need to invest some money and time in restoring the car to its vintage beauty. Moreover, it does not stop there. If you want to drive it around, you also need to get it insured.


As it is a characteristic of anything that entices, classic cars are more likely to attract a good number of vandals and thieves. After buying your classic car, the next thing would be to consider how you are going to insure it. However, because classic cars are rare and tend to be expensive, most established insurance companies and agents may not even want to offer them insurance. Just because it can be slightly challenging to find the best insurance for your classic car, that does not mean you can drive it around without any insurance. As a classic car owner, regardless of the kind you drive, what’s more, essential is that you find the right classic car insurance that covers any risks at pocket-friendly prices.

Finding the right kind of insurance for the classic car may take a little bit of time and much research, but the following tips below will go a long way in making it a stress-free process:

  • Check the eligibility of your classic car – The first thing to do to insure your classic car is to establish whether it is eligible for cover under a classic car policy. One way to do this is to inquire from the prior owner whether or not it was insured under a classic car insurance plan and with which insurance provider.
  • Pricing and insurance covers – As it is with all car insurance, the costs connected with classic car insurance can vary greatly depending on your choice of insurance provider. It is vital that you compare both prices and insurance covers when shopping around for insurance. It is also essential you determine what the insurance providers will value your classic car at to ensure you are insured for the full value of your car. The internet has made it very easy to compare classic car insurance covers and find those providers offering personalized schemes for your particular classic car.


The criteria that must be met to be eligible for classic car insurance vary by company. However, outlined below are general things they will all what to know:

  • Driving record – You must have at least ten years of driving experience. No teen driver or drivers with poor driving records is allowed on the policy.
  • Car mileage – You probably don’t want to drive your classic car on a regular basis, and your insurance provider doesn’t want you to either. Mileage limits have rose in recent times, however, so if you can live with 10,000 miles per year you’re probably okay.
  • Age of the car – The age of your car often limits classic car insurance. If your car is too young, it may not qualify for some policies.
  • Have a garage – Most classic car insurance companies will require you have an appropriate place where your car is housed when not in use. Having a parking lot or in your home would help to protect your car from the harsh weathers. Installing safety devices will also be an added advantage to enhance your car safety against thefts and damages. This increases your chance of getting cheap classic car insurance.
  • Age of the driver – Some classic car insurance companies will cover drivers 21 years or older. Others may require that the driver is above 25 years.

If you can meet the above criteria, you can usually buy a policy. Also, if you want to learn more about this topic visit


The time you spent buying, maintaining a classic car plus searching for the best classic car insurance coverage may seem a daunting task, but it is well worth it. Overall, make sure you know about the model and type of the classic car you are getting as well as understand how it works. If you are looking for the best classic car for sale, take a look at the exceptional collections of classic cars available here.

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