Best Used RV Brands 2024

If it is your first time buying a recreational vehicle, the process can get quite overwhelming once you consider how many different brands, models and prices are out there. For those who have no experience in this area should avoid buying a brand new one because they can get quite expensive with the right equipment. You do not want to spend so much money just for it to end up rusting in your garage. As a beginner, we recommend that you first buy a used one, to ensure that you are interested in this type of vehicle and lifestyle.

So, how can you decide which brand or model you should go for? Well, the best way to figure what kind of a recreational vehicle is perfect for you depends completely on your needs and requirements. Even if you do not plan to completely change your lifestyle and live inside of an RV, you will still need to consider this as a serious investment.

It is quite difficult to have expectations about an RV, especially a used one if you have never owned one.

Things you need to know about when purchasing an RV

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Before you pull out the money out of your wallet and buy one, there are a few things you will need to consider that will help you direct your purchase. First and most important is to decide whether you will live in it or if you only plan to use it during weekends and how many people would be staying with you.

Would you need it to be extremely comfortable to mimic the feeling of your own home or do you not care about the comfort of it since you are going to use it just a couple of days a month? Will you be traveling in it for days or weeks or will you just use it for a quick trip to the nearest forest in your area? Will you take your kids and your kids’ friends or will you just go by yourself with your wife?

These are some of the many questions you will need to ask yourself and answer them too, so you can have an easier time deciding what you should buy.

Travel Trailer

This is the most basic type of recreational vehicle. You attach it to your truck or your SUV and you are on your way. You can get them in almost any size you want. It could be as long as a van or higher than a two-decker bus. They are quite a popular choice because of their cheap price and because they can be quite compact. Not everyone can fit in a huge RV inside of their garage. They can usually fit in three to four people maximum.

The starting price for most travel trailers is around $9,000.

Class C

A class C RV is a bit of a step-up from the travel trailer since it has its own motor and you can drive it on its own. They can be a bit taller and longer than a travel trailer and can fit four to five people maximum inside of it. It’s quite a bit more comfortable because it is not pulled by another vehicle. You can easily recognize this class with the overhead storage or sleeping space they have. If you need a bit more information about this type of RV, check out Skoolie Livin.

These are priced anywhere between $35,000 and up to $150,000.

Class B

This type can be a bit more luxurious than the previous options. Class B RV also has a motor and can be driven on their own, there is no need for pulling. You can recognize them by their van-like shape although they can be quite larger than a regular van. They are commonly referred to as campervans.

Class A

Now, this is the most premium type when it comes to recreational vehicles. The prices of this type of vehicle can range anywhere from $55,000 to $1,000,000 when bought brand new. They look more like a bus than a van or a trailer and you will probably find the most luxurious interior in a Class A RV.

Now that you know more about recreational vehicles, it is time to tell you about all the different brands and which used models you should look out for.


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Winnebago has been on the market since the 1950s and is probably one of the most popular manufacturers in the United States.

They are well known for their high-quality Class C motorhome, so if you want to save a bit from your wallet, you should definitely consider Winnebago. Keep in mind, they also have great models from other classes so if you manage to find a good price tag on a used Class A or Class B RV, you should check it out.

Forest River

It may have been founded just 25 years ago, but Forest River definitely provides the market with competitive RV’s that could be compared with even the oldest companies out there. Some of their campervans can be bought for just under $25,000 which means that you can find used ones for a very nice price.


Jayco Inc. has been on the market since the 1960s and the knowledge and experience they acquired over the years definitely shows in their RV models. A few of their class A models could be bought for less than $200,000 brand new. So, if you want to make a bigger investment into your used RV, you should certainly consider Jayco as one of the options.

Coachmen RV

Coachmen have been active for more than 50 years and you can find a wide variety of different classes and models in their line-ups. The price tag on their recreational vehicles can be as low as $20,000 which means that you can easily find a used one for less than $10,000.


Last but not least is The Airstream Company. This is probably the oldest manufacturer of RVs in the United States. Most of their models are usually class B, but you can probably find used models that are class C or maybe travel trailers.

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